Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 27!!! Holy Crap! It's Day 27!

It is 8:24 pm, and I survived Day 27! How crazy! 27 days is a long time....more than my fingers and toes combined.  7 more to be exact! For 27 days I haven't eaten grains, legumes, sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy, or alcohol.  That means I haven't had cheese or peanut butter or soy sauce or bread of any sort, no oatmeal, no chocolate covered donuts, no ranch dressing, no ketchup or mayo (unless I made them myself), no lima beans, no butter, no buttered lima beans (mmm, I love lima beans), no cream in my coffee, and no weird additives like sulfites or MSG.

I don't really have many cravings for all those things, though.  I might think of something I want, but after a minute or two, I have forgotten all about it. That's nice.  Often when I am craving something, it is because I am hungry.  Once I remind myself of that, it helps ignore whatever I had been wanting.  I also feel more comfortable ordering out at a restaurant.  Of course most of the time I only go out to places I know I will find something I can eat. 

I have learned to plan more for meals and snacks.  I always have hard boiled eggs, almond butter, and nuts at work.  I always have an idea for dinner and most of the time the dinner is actually already cooked.  I always have a vegetable I can make to include with breakfast, whether that's spinach, broccoli, zucchini, or some combination of all three. 

So that's where I am at Day 27.  So far I have survived PMS, lunch meetings, sadness, Tucson day trips, and goodbye parties.  Tomorrow is another challenge... the monthly board meeting at my job. We always order in lots of food and dessert for our board, and this month we are having Italian. Correction: This month they are having Italian. I am having grilled chicken and salad with bell peppers and celery. 

3 days to go...well, three days +++++++++.  Good night. 

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