Thursday, May 4, 2017

Whole30 Day 3 and 4. More Things Wrapped in Lettuce and Fajitas on Top of Fajitas

Sorry I missed day 3. Things were busy, and by the time I finished dinner and clean-up, I was exhausted.  I know its' hard to get through the day without hearing that I ate chicken again.  sigh... I'll try to be better. It turns out that avoiding all the foods you love and miss is an exhausting full-time job, and I already work, so it's like I have two jobs at the same time now!

Food choices were ok for both days.  I think I ate too much yesterday, and by "think" I mean I ate way too much yesterday.  We had fajitas at a work meeting, and I might have had two helpings for lunch and a fajita mid-afternoon snack.  I also had a bunch of pumpkin seeds and a date bar and more pumpkin seeds.  All the foods were compliant with the Whole30. There were just too many foods. 

Today I had the last helping of my favorite half-runner green beans and some baked chicken for lunch.  Between lunch and dinner, I had a 5:00 pm meeting about some road projects. I ate a snack before I went, but it wasn't enough to stop the "Time for Dinner" train.  My body was hungry! My mind was hungry!  My soul was hungry!  And to top it off, those bastards had a huge variety of delicious-smelling cookies for meeting attendees. How did they know I had been craving sweet, bready yum yums all afternoon? I really wanted a donut or a cinnamon role or a cookie or all of the above, and then I get to this meeting to find the cookies taunting me.  "What if I have just one? I'm so hungry.  Just one cookie."  It was hard to talk myself down.  I was talking to a friend after the meeting, and I caught myself staring at his mouth as he ate a cookie with m&m's in it.  He's lucky I didn't snatch the cookie out of his hand. 

Hungry, tired, and turning into a serious Grumplestiltskin, I headed home and managed to not detour to Panda Express for something easy and full of soy sauce, which is a huge no no.  I made my own fajitas tonight and ate them in a lettuce wrap.  I'm getting into the lettuce wrap zone.  It satisfies the need for something like a burrito.  After gorging on fajitas yesterday and making more today, I think I've satisfied the fajita desire for a few weeks. 

I did learn one interesting thing yesterday.  For dinner (yes, I still ate dinner even though I had 400 helpings of fajitas at work) I sauteed some spinach with chicken. On the spinach I used coconut aminos instead of soy sauce.  It turns out I don't like coconut aminos.  Gross.  It was like eating soy sauce's crack head cousin.  Lesson learned.  Avoid the crack head cousin.

Now I have one of those annoying eyelid twitches happening. I think it's my body's way of telling me I need to bake a cake.  After I bake the cake, I need to eat the whole cake.  That's my "Eat a Huge Cake" eye twitch.  What's that you say? My eye is twitching because I'm tired and stressed? Oh.  So I'm not supposed to bake and eat an entire cake?  Are you sure?  It would be a carrot cake with walnuts.  Still no cake? Really? Crap.  I guess I should just brush my teeth and go to bed, but that doesn't mean I don't still want a cake and some donuts with a side of cookies.    

Tomorrow I have an early meeting in Tucson and a mid-day meeting in Phoenix that includes a scheduled lunch in between the two.  I suggested the place that wasn't PF Changs or the japanese steak house because everything in those places is soy covered soy.  I have snacks packed in my bag, and my goal is to order a salad or a burger with no bun and a salad on the side.  Wish me luck. 

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