Monday, May 22, 2017

Day 22. Whole30 Déjà Vu, Tacos Again.

In the words of the great philosopher, Kris Kristofferson, the devil haunts a hungry [wo]man.  I am usually haunted.  An interesting aside about Mr. Kristofferson, he was a Golden Gloves boxer, a Rhodes scholar, a college football player, an acclaimed actor, a military officer, a helicopter pilot, and a Grammy-winner, just to name a few things on his resume. Also, he had a huge mental resurgence recently when he was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, not the Alzheimer's they were treating him for

To keep the devil from haunting me with his box of donuts, I set out to have good meals that wouldn't leave me hungry.  I felt good and didn't want a mid-morning snack.  I was hungry by the time lunch rolled around, though.  I had a steak for lunch that I cooked on the grill at work.  Grills are revolutionary things! Especially gas grills!  You just turn a knob, push a button, and that sucker is fired up.  No lighting charcoal, waiting around, waiting too long, running out of fire, and having to start the process all over again.  It's nice having access to a grill, and while I'm tempted to buy one, I am content for the time being to keep using the one at work.  In addition to the steak, I also took a mountain of spinach and steamed it to end up with three bites of spinach. It constantly amazes me how much spinach shrinks when you cook it. I topped lunch off with a little bit of sweet potato.

For dinner, I had more ground beef that needed to be cooked, so I used half for more taco mix.  The other half is in the freezer.  I think I'll make a spaghetti sauce and eat it over zucchini.  That's for another day, however.  And I've just about reached my taco limit for this week, so I might freeze that in individual servings for another week. 

If you're keeping tabs on all the food and the order I should cycle through it, you are probably panicking that I've barely touched the tuna salad.  I'll have to eat that for breakfast tomorrow and again for dinner to try and use it while it's still in its prime.  Goodness knows no one wants to eat tuna salad past its prime.  I also have fish in the freezer that I need to cook as part of my challenge to "Eat the food in your freezer, why don't you?"

I have no great insights today, no profound analysis about life, and no secret to life.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I love apples. If you remember nothing else, remember that apples are delicious, especially the Honeycrisp apple.  The Pink Lady apple is just so so....a little too fuzzy in the flavor, not bright and crisp like the Honeycrisp.  Don't waste your time with a Red Delicious because they aren't delicious. The Opal is another delicious apple.  It's yellow, but don't let that turn you off.  Trust me on this.  I've been eating an apple a day for a while now.  And for you AZ folks, the Fry's has a better selection of apples right now than Safeway.

Peace out people. 

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