Monday, September 7, 2020

Who Has Two Thumbs and Starts A Whole30 on a Random Tuesday? This Girl

Happy Labor Day, my people! I hope you all have enjoyed a long weekend or some sort of respite from your labor today.  Tomorrow is Tuesday, and tomorrow is also the day I will be starting another Whole30.  Don't know what the Whole30 is? You can go here to read more about it.  

It's an elimination diet that is designed to remove all kinds of foods that are known to cause sensitivities in people.  Are you likely sensitive to everything on this diet? No, but you eliminate it all and have a controlled reintroduction to see what you might consider eliminating or minimizing forever.  Or you just keep eating this way more or less forever because it makes you feel good.  

While I feel like I just did one of these a year or so ago, it has actually been a lot longer than that.  (no scrolling back in the blog for my last Whole30 entry!).  Why am I revisiting the Whole30 now?  Well, there are a few reasons.  First and foremost, I want my guts to be happier while I also wean myself off my Nexium.  My proton pump is tired of being inhibited.  I also want more energy and to help ease my seasonal allergies, which some people say is possible with a modified diet.  

Also, the underlying reason I do or think about most any eating plan, is that I want to be a healthier weight than I am now.  I gave up aspirations of being Vannah White thin years ago, but I would like to feel better in my body, to be more flexible, to feel less blah, and also to win the lottery, which sadly, an elimination diet won't help me accomplish.  Maybe the lottery gods want to give the lottery to a thinner person, because fat discrimination exists, and if I have to shed some pounds to fit in to the exacting body standards of the lottery gods, I should at least explore the option. 

This last week has been kind of messed with my mind.  Since late August, I've been trying to eat up my non-Whole30 foods, like crackers, yogurts, granola, and a host of other things that I had stocked up on since the pandemic hit.  September 1 hit, and I still had things in the house that didn't jive with the plan, like M&Ms, frozen pancakes, yogurt covered pretzels, and pasta.  Temptation was here!!!! But I had already purchased several meals for the week that were healthy. So I would eat a bunless burger for dinner followed by M&M's for dessert.  One week in, and there are no more options for foods I am eliminating. I finished my M&Ms yesterday, and I had the frozen waffles for lunch today.  So long reasons for living.  Uhm, i mean, so long foods that make me feel bad and that don't help my health or my waistline.  

Today I made a pot roast to have for the next few meals.  I roasted some carrots and cooked some sweet potatoes.  I also have ground chicken to make a ground chicken, vegetable stir fry thing.  There are some vegetables in the fridge to cook this week, and I have strawberries and blackberries for fruits. So here we go.  Old me wants to say, "This is going to be so hard at first, everyone. UGH!," but I'm going to try some cognitive behavior therapy on myself and keep telling myself this is easy! All you have to do is buy the right foods and eat them. No problem.  Here we go!  (I already want some cake....and ice cream.) 

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