Sunday, September 13, 2020

New Week, A New Cast of Characters on the Menu

 Hello Sunday! Today was my shopping day to stock up for the week.  I cleaned out my freezer yesterday, which was cathartic.  However, I also learned I have quite a bit of ground beef in there I should use.  The ground beef backlog is a result of me buying ground beef with the intentions of cooking a dinner.  Then, the date approaches that I either have to cook it or else suffer disastrous ground beef poisoning.  If I don't feel like cooking, and I don't feel like holding out for food poisoning later in the week, I just freeze it.  Apparently, I've not felt like cooking quite a bit over the last several months judging by the ground beef of empty promises sitting in my freezer.  

I did some searching yesterday for meals that need ground beef, and I added a couple to the menu this week.  I also have a pack of chicken sausages I need to use up, and a steak thawing in the fridge.  So, that leads me to this week's menu: 

Tonight: Steak and asparagus. 

Monday/Tuesday: Taco Stuffed Bell Peppers. I'm pretty excited about this one.   This will also create leftovers for lunch and probably dinner tomorrow.  

Wednesday: Cajun Bake with the chicken sausage and shrimp.  

Thursday: Depending on leftovers from the week, I will either cook Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls this night or Friday.  

It's not my best planning because I have two bell pepper heavy meals and two ground beef meals. So I had to try and juggle between having too much bell pepper in a row or too much beef in a row. Oh well.  It is what it is.  When I post a blog on Thursday complaining that I don't have enough diversity in my diet, remind me of this moment. 

There was something else I was reminded of today at the store that I feel like I've learned before.  I like to go shopping early in the morning to avoid crowds and the accumulated COVID-19 cloud that builds up throughout the day in the store.  This morning, after walking Taz, I faced a crossroads.  Stay home a little longer to cook and eat breakfast or just hightail it to the store.  

"Allison, just go to the store. Get there and get home.  You aren't hungry now.  You won't be hungry when you're there and make irrational purchases. You need to get in and out before COVID Family of 10 shows up to go shopping together, breathing and licking all the things you want to purchase." 


"Allison, stay here a little while longer and eat a sensible breakfast.  You don't know how you'll feel once you're in the store.  You have to be strong to resist temptation, and you do that by eating before you shop. What's half an hour? There are donuts in that store, and they will be calling your name while you're shopping if you go there without eating."

As I drove home from the store eating a donut, I thought to myself, "I should have stayed home and eaten breakfast first."  Lesson learned...again.   

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