Monday, July 12, 2010

It Is Official

I might be buying a house.  Who knew it could be so complicated and yet so simple all at the same time?  All I have to do is initial a bunch of pages and have an agent fax them to another agent, and I have officially accepted an offer.  It seems insanely simple to say, "Why yes.  I will buy this incredibly expensive thing from you.  Thank you and who do I make the check out to?" 

Of course the complicated part is just starting, and it means that I now have an army of "people" that will do things for me for the right price.  I have a mortgage guy, I have an agent, I have an inspector, I will have an appraiser, I will have some sort of insurance person, I will have a window person, a roof person, a yard person, a floor person, a plaster person, an appliance person, a person's person, a clown, a pimp, and whatever the hell else I decide I need in this process.  It's all about a feeling of false security because there is a person that can deal with whatever comes along.  The world is ending?  Let me get my person for that. 

Buying a house will either be awesome or the beginning of the end of all happiness.  I'll let you know what happens.  I do know that Bhodi and I will miss our downtown walks.  What about bread lady and stick man?  Will be ever see them again?  And the taco guys, box man, can man, the barky poofs, Kip and Raymond?  Oh sorrowful day.  To prepare for a possible official move, we are getting in all the walking time we can so that we can see everyone a few more times before I pack up my one box of belongings and head to Rio Rico.  Rio Rico....just the name sounds so far away.  It is, however, only 10 minutes from my current abode.  The real bonus: one half acre of fenced in delight for Bhodi to romp around in. 


  1. Sniff sniff. My dreams of you moving Back East soon are dwindling. Congratulations, though.

  2. I can be your bubble wrap person - I have a TON for all your packing needs.

  3. Lori, don't give up so easily. It is a small house, perfect for a future rental.
