Thursday, July 29, 2010

Houses with Character

I am currently trying to buy a house with character.  It has nooks and crannies and stuff.  It also is 20 years old.  Do you know the average lifespan of a roof?  If you guessed approximately 20 years, you would be close.  The house also has freeloaders in the form of termites. They say there are two kinds of houses in Arizona: those with termites and those that are going to have termites.  So, termites are not a huge deal unless you have a special kind of termite that involves tenting the whole house and fumigating.  Thankfully, there will be no tenting in my future. 

I just had my second ever home inspection, and Hunky Home Inspector is one thorough inspecting machine.  We spent 2 1/2 hours in the heat going over every detail of the house, and the resulting report is 32 pages long.  It includes things that are right, recommendations, things out of code, and things that need to be addressed, including the roof and minor rot.  I did get a discount because it was my second home inspection with them...or did I get the discount because I am cute and outgoing?  Only Hunky Home Inspector can tell you the real reason. 

I am not sure what happened with the haircut between inspection one and inspection two, and we had been outside for a very long time at this point, but this is what a home inspector should look like.  I have to say, the picture does not convey the added cuteness factor that comes with experiencing the know-how firsthand.  What doesn't this guy know?  Maybe macrame, but if you ask me, my money is on HHInspector knowing macrame. 

So, this is the part where a bunch of people talk to a bunch of people and there is the looming terror of the appraiser and closing and the unknown things that are bound to come up in this process.  I am 1/2 a step close to owning a house.  That could all fall apart between now and September 15, which is the current closing date. 



  1. Excuse me, is that HHInspector's Mini Cooper??? With the ladder on top??????????


  2. Oldie, not only is that his mini with the ladder on top, that is one of his TWO mini's, both of which he uses for his home inspection gig.
