Thursday, July 22, 2010

Home Again, Home Again, Dancing a Jig

Despite getting my hopes up about a ganga deal on a house and signing papers and talking to Mr. Realtor who talked to Mr. Seller who talked to Ms. Fannie Mae several times, the house I was looking at has been set free, released back into the market for another sucker to buy.  Mr. Realtor told them to talk a long walk off of a short, lopsided, broken sidewalk to hell.  So long block house.  So long broken doors.  So long abandoned van.  So long broken furnace. 

I was into the notion of a fixer-upper, a blank canvas of landscaping, and a challenge to my limited carpentry abilities.  However, things work out the way they do for a reason, and this reason was so I could find another place.  Earlier this week I said, "Helloooooooooo house of destiny!"  Two words:  mature trees.  Another two words: abundant character.  I should also mention fireplace, fireplace, fireplace.  3 fireplaces to be exact. 

In abandoning what looked like a great deal but which would have turned into a lingering nightmare, I found a place that is awesome.  So, I signed more papers today, Mr. Realtor will be talking to Mr. and Ms. Sellers, and we shall see what happens. 

Another bonus:  Hello again Mr. Hunky Home Inspector.  I will let you know how it goes....with the home buying of course.   

1 comment:

  1. How exciting, good luck with this round! Houses, like relationships, have a way of triggering your gut to tell you when to walk and when to stay.

    And of course, yay for Mr. Hunky Home Inspector! I think you should steal a piture and post it. For example, pretend you're taking a picture of a household feature he's inspecting that you wish to document for reference, and he just happens to be in the picture too.
