Friday, February 11, 2011

Plumber? We don't need to stinking plumber!

After my extended journey to house-camping-land, I have finally fixed the broken pipes at my house. I am glad the pipes were fixed before I really did get used to flushing toilets with a bucket and buying gallons of water to keep myself and the dogs hydrated. 

At first I called the plumber.  After he no-showed and refused to return phone calls, I took matters into my own hands....or rather, a friend of mine took pity on me and offered to help me fix the pipes. Yay for friend of mine!  For those of you that are curious, yes...the plumber that flaked out on me is the same plumber who received rave reviews in previous posts here. 

So, because my dreamy, pipe-fixing friend has know-how and power tools, we were able to change the pipes and return Octopus Street to the 21st Century. 

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