Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 30 and Tomorrow is Day 31 and So on and So Far

It is 8:45 pm, and I survived Day 30 of the Whole30. I actually survived the Whole30.  Yippeeee!

My celebratory day consisted of:

Omelet with Mushrooms, Spinach, Bell Peppers
Potatoes and Onions

Salad with Pork Loin

Hard Boiled Egg
Cashew Butter

Sweet Potato
Pork Loin

So, that's that.  I went 30 days eating protein, healthy fat, vegetables, and some fruit.  That's it.  I cooked a lot and learned some things about bulk cooking to make life easier.  I had a few bleak eating out experiences, but I also found some successful things to order and places to go.  I find it easier to want to choose the better options.  I know I love: kale, zucchini, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, asparagus, cabbage, and a whole slew of other vegetables. I dislike brussel sprouts and don't feel the need to eat them again, especially with a balsamic reduction.  I don't like a pork chop, but I dig a pork tenderloin.  Roasted chicken is always good in a pinch.  Salmon is delicious.  Canned tuna can save the day.  Don't freeze raw hamburger patties.  Eat more fish.  (that's on the menu for the weekend, actually).

How do I feel?  I have way more energy.  I wake up feeling good.  I feel good throughout the day, but when it's bedtime, I immediately am tired.  I have had a few nights typing up the blog where I have spent all my energy, and it's all I can do to keep my eyes open.  My moods are way better.  I don't get grouchy from eating too much sugar or sad and sappy from eating junk.  I'm generally my happy, optimistic self.  I handle stress better.  I am physically feeling better.  I don't have heartburn.  I used to have it almost daily.  I am swimming faster and have better endurance. Literally from one week to the next I was swimming significantly faster.  Overall, I just feel more like me and less foggy and not controlled by less-than-stellar foods. 

Did I lose weight?  I did.  I lost about 8 lbs this month (I say about because I don't remember the exact number I had when I first weighed in).  I also didn't have a huge weight drop because I had been busting my butt the few months before this to lose 20 lbs, so I didn't have the beginner drop.  A few people commented that I look different....less puffy somehow.  That's a good thing, I guess.

So, what's next? Well, I will wake up and eat the same way tomorrow that I have pretty much been doing for 30 days now.  I will refuse to buy the foods I am not sweets or snacks or treats.  I will try to keep home sacred territory in that sense.  If I do eat something not on the plan, I will make sure it only has 1 food group not on the plan so I can see how that impacts me.  So, no burger, shake, refried beans kind of meal.  That's the reintroduction phase.  Try one food group at a time and see how it impacts your body.

I will make decisions based on what is worth it, not on "oh my gosh i need a donut because I need sugar and I haven't had sugar and oooooo, maybe I'll have 2 or 3 donuts instead of one. Silly me eating all these donuts.  I wish I could stop, but I just can't say no!!"

That's the plan anyway...that and also going back to counting my calories.  I still want to continue to lose weight while eating well, and I think I need to do that through tracking my calories as well as eating clean.   

There is always a voice in my head that thinks, "Oh, it's just a matter of time until you lose momentum and go back to old habits and old ways of eating and living.  This won't last. Enjoy it while you can, because it will be business as usual in a few day."  That's something I think all of us deal with in one context or another, not just food.  So, I will have to keep reminding myself what it means to me physically and emotionally to eat well and take care of myself.  I will also have to remind myself of the price of eating food that doesn't work well for me...the physical and mental implications.

If you have any questions about the process and what my experience was, feel free to ask.  I would highly recommend it to anyone.  I really do feel so great, and I also feel free from cravings, which is also an act of God, Congress, and the Pope.  Thanks for reading along everyone.  Tomorrow I'll go back to complaining about my leaky roof. :)  

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